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Why SEO is Vital for Accountants and Bookkeepers

SEO for Accountants

When it comes to digital marketing for accountants and bookkeepers, SEO plays a vital role as it improves search visibility and drives traffic to your site. Considering the first page of Google captures up to 92% of search traffic clicks, optimisation really is the way forward. So, what can you do to improve your SEO efforts and boost your online performance? Let’s find out.

Why SEO for Accountants?

Over half of consumers don’t trust a brand without a website, so having a digital presence is an absolute must. But that’s not all. If your site isn’t optimised for SEO it will be hard to find online, as search engines look for content that’s tailored for a specific search. For that reason, it’s really important to do your homework and to create a keyword list of words and phrases that make each web page relevant to your target audience. The more you do to show search engines like Google that your content is of a high quality and can be of use to the reader, the more likely you are to appear in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), and this can impact your turnover.

Keep in mind the rule of seven too. This states that it takes an average of seven interactions with your brand before a purchase will take place. So, it’s not enough to just go hard at SEO and then leave it on the backburner. You need to keep tweaking your strategy or invest in specialist SEO services for accountants to ensure that you not only achieve high positions in the SERPs but that you maintain them. A slip to page two could see your web traffic fade off significantly.

How to Improve your SEO Strategy

#1 Produce Quality Content

Firstly, it’s absolutely vital to product quality content. This is because Google algorithms use it to understand your area of expertise and what you do. So, every time you publish a piece of highly optimised content, you give Google more keywords to understand your brand.

Google recommends writing easy-to-read text, organising topics clearly, creating unique content regularly, being authoritative, and providing an appropriate amount of content for your subject. Pages with too little content don’t tend to rank well, as they won’t feature very many keywords and don’t contain much relevant information to present to the end user. So be sure to create quality, well-written, and detailed pages.

#2 Optimise for Featured Snippets

There’s always the chance that your content will be pulled into a Featured Snippet. These appear above the other organic listings and therefore can improve click-throughs dramatically. In fact, it’s thought 8% of all clicks goes to Featured Snippet content. Featured Snippets are designed to answer questions succinctly. So, creating question and answer segments throughout your web pages and blogs is a good idea. You can also label your content based on common user searches for your brand such as “How can I organise my accountants?”, as such a title is more likely to be pulled through into the so-called Position 0 than anything more generic.

#3 Work on Your Linking Strategy

Who you hang around with in the real world can have an impact on your reputation and the same applies to the digital landscape, Google wants to present the very best content possible for each search and is looking for sites of authority.If your content is being linked to from other high authority sites, Google will see your site as more trustworthy – and may even give it a higher rank in the SERPs. To get links from great sources, you really need to be upping your content game and producing link-worthy material. Promoting it on social media is also a great way for this high-end content to get noticed by leading sites.

SEO is vital for accountancy and bookkeeping, so start honing your strategy today.

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